It is now 60 days until the Michigan Titanium race.
So what comes to mind?:

1) Am I going to be ready?
2) How should I taper?
Well, I think I'm on track for the bike portion of the race. But I'm struggling with if I will be ready for the swim. I've been swimming regularly, but only 2 times a week. Then with the bronchitis I was out of the pool for two weeks and then back only once a week. But as of this week trying to get in 3 swims a week. As any working woman or full time mom knows, finding the time is a struggle. Wish I didn't have to work, take care of a house and run errands. Life would be so much simpler.
Three weeks ago I was supposed to start back with my swim coach once a week. But between early morning conf calls and poor weather I hope to see her Thursday. Also been trying to get some open water swim practice in the mix. But there again the weather hasn't been on my side. Chicago has had a lot of storms in the mornings and evenings. We are at the point of too much rain. Go figure after last year.
I do have an open water swim race July 12th. This will be a good test to see how I fair at 2 miles. I'm curious to see what my time is, how I feel after the swim. I also plan to get in a 30-40 mile ride post swim race. Figured it would make for a nice brick workout.
As far as tapering. This will begin about two to three weeks before race day. Putting in a little less miles and intensity on the bike will be key. So difficult for me as I really love being out on the bike. Not sure how much I'll reduce my swimming distance prior to race day, but will reduce intensity and not stress my body so much. The key during tapering is to let your body rest, recover and repair so you are stronger come race day.
Wow, 60 days. It's both exciting and daunting.
Enjoy the ride,
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