Sunday, September 18, 2016

LIfe's too short for negative people in your life

Over the last few years I've become less tolerant of negative people and have tried to rid myself of them. I've analyzed why I feel so strongly about this subject and came to the conclusion...Life is too short!!! I'm only 53 and have already lost too many friends over the years to cancer, heart disease, and freak accidents. Again, life is just too damn short!!!

I have been blessed to have a number of groups I train, swim and bike with who are filled with wonderful positive people. They are supportive, encouraging, and always see the cup as half full. I guess positive people attract other positive people.


No longer do I have patience for people who find it necessary to put others down in order to boost themselves up. I once heard a saying, "They need to blow other people's candles out in order to make their candle burn brighter." I often wonder why someone thinks it's okay to tear others down. Doesn't it take more energy to be negative than positive? Just like it takes more energy to be angry than it does to be happy. Are they insecure, jealous, what????

This past season has been filled with wonderful memories. Oh wait, in my last blog post I said the season wasn't over. So I'll restate far this season...

Last month a few of the Otters were getting ready for IM Madison. They wanted to practice a mass swim start having folks bump them, kick them, swim perpendicular to them. Just present any number of scenarios that could happen during their upcoming race...actually any open water swim race. It was great to see so many people share their experiences and selflessly help others and reduce some pre-race anxiety. Everyone had an encouraging word and a positive thought to share. No negativity here.

On Labor Day this same group of swimmers had a "almost end of the season" party. We started with an early swim for those who wanted to "loop the lake." It's a 2.2 mile swim and to my surprised there were several folks I would have sworn looped the lake in prior years, but were indeed virgin loopers.

There were a few folks that were apprehensive about the swim, but the chatter on Facebook leading up to Labor Day was so encouraging and positive because we knew they could do it. Sure enough, it was a party around the lake. We all stuck together making sure everyone was okay and everyone who wanted to loop the lake successfully completed it.

Last weekend there were several triathlons including IM Madison. The same folks who had us simulate a mass start competed and completed their first Ironman triathlon. Just amazing what you can will your body to do and still cross the finish line with a smile. Once again, Facebook was filled with positive comments, accolades and just good vibes.

Then today four friends biked together. One had not done more than 56 miles all year and her longest ride was 16 years ago. But even if Janet didn't believe in herself, we all did. There was no negative chatter, only encouraging words before, during and after the ride. It's amazing what positive energy can do. 

There's nothing good that comes from negativity or negative people. I stand by that.

Always enjoy the ride,

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